Gemini Full Moon

Enjoy the Silence

12/15/2024 2:01 am AZ

23° 52’ Gemini Moon/Sagittarius Sun


As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I view Pluto as the unconscious driving force of individual and collective change. Pluto’s transit through the sign of Aquarius over the next couple decades will present us with numerous opportunities to explore, develop, and integrate a deeper sense of what it means to be an authentic individual.

Pluto, Mars/Venus, and the Lunar Nodes

Pluto has been in conversations with both Mars in Leo (now retrograde) and Venus in Aquarius. These conversations have created a dynamic tension bringing awareness to relating-how we relate to our own inner selves, how we relate to others, and how we show up as authentic selves (or not) in all of our relationships. The archetypes of Mars and Venus are often associated with the Sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine. While these terms are ingrained in modern vernacular, I prefer not to use the binary terms this way. We all carry yin and yang energies within us. We all experience being active, energizing, and expressive as well as being reflective, receptive, and discerning.

We each have a Mars and Venus placement. How you respond to and integrate the evolution of your own natal Mars and Venus placements is connected to these transits and your overall growth trajectory. If you’d like to take a deep dive into your birth chart, connect with me for a session. astrokara

How we function in and how we are shaped by relationships has been the focused theme for the past year and a half as the Lunar Nodes are transiting our relating axis of Aries/Libra. As this cycle is nearing completion, it is time to wrap up, let go of, heal from past relational challenges.

Venus is associated with the Lunar South Node as it’s finishing up its time in Libra. This energy is allowing you to deeply reflect on what you value, within yourself and within relationships. Mars is associated with the Lunar North Node, finishing up in Aries. This is bringing to the forefront how you make space for yourself and your desires. As both planets are connecting with Pluto, there is excavation and elimination taking place from within the subconscious, rising to our active awareness.

  • Who have you been in past relationships? Where have you gotten lost?

  • How have you grown from experiences and outgrown prior patterns?

  • Where has your hyper independence kept you from being able to be vulnerable enough to develop true intimacy?

  • Are you able to enter into relationships without a mask or are you still repressing your authentic self to be accepted and loved?

Saturn/Neptune, Luminaries, Jupiter/Mercury

Another important conversation occurring is the t-square between Saturn in Pisces and the Sun and Moon, as well as Jupiter and Mercury. This choice point is bringing the opportunity to step into deeper emotional maturity, to redefine what you believe about your inner and outer worlds, and the recognition of the multiplicity of truths within this reality.

Mercurial energies are strong at this lunation as the planet of communication is stationing to move out of retrograde in Sagittarius where the Sun is currently transiting. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s domain. Jupiter remains retrograde and is joined by the Moon in Mercury’s domain of Gemini.

This conversation is centered around our mental and intuitive energies.

Additionally, we have another t-square. A now direct Neptune in Pisces-to these four players-again, brings us to a choice point. This is one of breaking out of mental gymnastics and victimhood and stepping into greater self-compassion and self-acceptance.

  • Where is there a need for restructuring of your mindset and inner dialogue?

  • What do you believe about yourself and how you fit or don’t fit in the world?

  • Are you willing to explore your own psyche to discover what is keeping you stuck?

  • Are you ready to examine the replaying stories and find ways to rewrite your narrative?


With the recent and current retrogrades of Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter as well as Saturn and Neptune recently coming out of retrograde, we have been given the opportunity to be in deep self-reflection, to quiet the mind and listen for the whispers of our Souls. The Winter Solstice approaches and brings with it a sense of renewal, the triumph of light over darkness, and the promise of new life after a period of decay.

In this fast-paced world, it is so easy to find ways to distract ourselves from allowing ourselves to be still. It is so often, in stillness and silence, that our most uncomfortable emotions come to visit us. Because most of us have been conditioned to ignore or repress uncomfortable emotions, we find it difficult to sit with them and allow them to be present within us. They have so much to teach us if we give them space to simply exist.

I encourage you to embrace this full moon energy and create some much needed time and space for silence and stillness. Listen for the inner promptings of your energetic and emotional body, learn what you need and feed your Spirit.

Until next time, take care of you.


Courageously vulnerable, individually sovereign