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APRIL 2024
Cancer New Moon
Crisis in Action
Intolerance to Insecurity
Sagittarius Full Moon-
I have collaborated with 3 of my favorite Evolutionary Astrologers here to discuss the energies of the upcoming full moon. ENJOY!
Making Space for Abundance
Aries Solar Eclipse
April 19, 2023
Showing up
as yourself,
for yourself
Jupiter in Aries…embrace the freefall
Jupiter begins its new 12 year journey on December 20, 2022 when it enters the beginning of the zodiac-Aries. This is an opportunity for a great new birth of exuberant energy that can propel us forward after these past few heavy, challenging years. Shadow Jupiter in Aries can take things too far, so it is always good to take a measure of the risk. But my advice to all (especially myself) is to JUMP-DO IT SCARED-and EMBRACE THE FREEFALL.
As an evolutionary astrologer, my view of the transits is always focused on the potential. I see and understand the challenges, but can always see the possibilities of redemption within. This is what I choose to express and offer to you…POSSIBILITY and POTENTIAL.
As Jupiter enters Aries, it is in a tense conversation with the Sun at its final push through Jupiter’s home sign of Sagittarius.
What is showing up for you in the area of faith, philosophy, traditions? Are you feeling the impetus to push now-to birth the new life that has been growing in your creative womb?
Jupiter in Aries (impetus) is supporting the Moon in Scorpio (deep personal transformation) and being supported by Pluto in Capricorn (new direction after the death of the old).
How is this creative new life defined by your recent personal growth and where are you being asked to share your knowledge with others?
Venus and Mercury remain together in Capricorn as Mercury begins to slow before its retrograde beginning December 29th. Venus (our values) and Mercury (our thought patterns) in the sign of Capricorn want structure. They want a plan, but can easily become stuck. Especially as they meet up in a square to the wounded healer Chiron, currently retrograde in Aries.
Where are your fears and limiting beliefs keeping you boxed in? It is more than ok to let go of these self-imposed restrictions. You (and I) have never not been worthy!
As the Solstice ushers us into the next season, the Sun begins its annual trek through Capricorn. Capricorn, for all its negative reviews, is so much more than ‘work and no play’, ‘only concerned with money’, or ‘cold and unfeeling’. Capricorn brings us into the new year and sets us in a new direction with laser focus. It can give us a concrete expression of determination.
So, here we are-standing on the ledge with our goals in sight. But we must make the jump-like Neo in The Matrix.
Free the mind, take the jump, and embrace the freefall…
Stay tuned for the New Moon in Capricorn forecast coming later this week. The Cold Moon will occur on December 23, 2022.