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APRIL 2024
Cancer New Moon
Crisis in Action
Intolerance to Insecurity
Sagittarius Full Moon-
I have collaborated with 3 of my favorite Evolutionary Astrologers here to discuss the energies of the upcoming full moon. ENJOY!
Making Space for Abundance
Aries Solar Eclipse
April 19, 2023
Showing up
as yourself,
for yourself
Reconnecting to your inner child
Brief discussion of the energies available this Leo Full Moon
Can you feel my heart? Cancer Full Moon 1/6/2023
Cancer Full Moon 1/6/2023
I encourage you to listen to the song before you continue reading. The resonant energy of this song is significant.
If you decide not to, I will give you a few of the lyrics here:
“Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel, can you feel my heart? Can you help the hopeless? Well, I’m begging on my knees. Can you save my bastard soul? Will you wait for me?”
When you listen to the music or read the lyrics, who do you think of? Who would you be asking these questions-partner, friend, parent?
I’ll come back for your answer.
Have you ever had a sunburn? I know it may seem odd to talk about sunburns in the winter, but stay with me…
Do you remember what that first shower felt like? The burn after the burn.
And then when you tried to put a shirt on? The itchy and scratchy show.
And maybe after a day or so as it’s healing, you start to forget about it until someone pats you on the shoulder? Oh, there is that sting again!
This is the archetype of Chiron, called our wounded healer. Why am I talking about Chiron on a full moon post? Because he is a very key player in this lunar cycle. He is in a conversation with both the sun and moon which adds an extra layer to the already emotional Cancer moon.
That sunburn could be rejection, unworthiness, feeling unloved or unlovable, deep insecurity, abandonment, betrayal. Where do you find yourself to be extra sensitive? And when that sensitivity is touched, what are you reminded of and feel all over again?
So, why in the world do we need to experience that sting over and over again? Here is where Cancer comes in. Ruled by the moon, this is the seat of our emotions and the center of our ego. (understand that I use ego here as how we see and define ourselves, not as the negative stigma)
Cancer helps us understand our deep need for emotional security. Its polarity Capricorn helps us understand our boundaries and sense of self authority. Often, our conditioning provided us neither one. The sun in Capricorn is highlighting the need for self authority, the need to recognize and build emotional boundaries. The moon in Cancer is reflecting this from our innermost emotional space. And it wants TO FEEL!
Let’s revisit the song again…
“Can you hear the silence? Can you see the dark? Can you fix the broken? Can you feel, can you feel my heart? Can you help the hopeless? Well, I’m begging on my knees. Can you save my bastard soul? Will you wait for me?”
Who were you crying out to? Who didn’t see you?
Now, can you imagine that it is actually your inner child - crying out to you?
They need you now to hear them, to help fix their broken heart. They need you to feel for them!
The journey of listening to the inner child and to the inner critic can be really f*ckin’ scary! I know, I’m still on mine. But you don’t have to go alone.
If you would like some guidance and support on how to get started or if you need a safe space to continue, I think I can help.
Email Kara at thrivuary@gmail.com
Transits for this Cancer Full Moon
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer in a t-square to Chiron in Aries-wounding on the surface, the need to embrace emotions to heal the authority of self
Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Capricorn-the path forward is through the past
Active water trine (Moon in Cancer, South Node in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces)-potential for tremendous emotional healing, requires confronting past pain, recognizing projected ideals to external sources, surrendering to Source/Creator/God/dess.
Venus ingress into Aquarius, new phase to Pluto-what has been or is pushing to be eliminated in order for you to move forward? what new ways are you working on becoming the best version of yourself? what is it that you really want?