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APRIL 2024
Cancer New Moon
Crisis in Action
Intolerance to Insecurity
Sagittarius Full Moon-
I have collaborated with 3 of my favorite Evolutionary Astrologers here to discuss the energies of the upcoming full moon. ENJOY!
Making Space for Abundance
Aries Solar Eclipse
April 19, 2023
Showing up
as yourself,
for yourself
What do you want?
If you have seen the movie or read the book “The Notebook”, you know this scene of the story well.
Here, I will attempt to explain how I see this scene astrologically and why I feel it represents the energies that are present for us early this year of 2023.
At the beginning of this scene, the main character Allie has received and read letters from the male character Noah. These letters had been kept from Allie to dissuade her love for Noah. This information had been hidden or missing from the past that comes back to her at a turning point in her life. (Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn)
Noah then asks her what she plans to do with this information and with what has happened prior to this scene-she left her fiancé and family to spend time with Noah (Venus in rebellious Aquarius). Allie is thinking and reviewing her choices based on new information and new experiences. (Mars Retrograde in Gemini) She struggles to make a decision because she is feeling the extremes. These extremes are between what she her heart wants, where her heart is pulling her, where she feels most herself and what is expected of her by her mother, society, her friends and fiancé. (The extremes of the past and the future is North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio)
Noah feels the frustration of the limitations of the circumstances keeping him from what he wants. (Capricorn energy and Venus conjunct Saturn) He sees her desire and he knows what he wants. He knows there is need to break societal conditioning. (Venus in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus)
At 1:18-1:20 in, he says to her “This is not about following your heart. It's about security!” (Our recent Cancer Full Moon-emotional security and the Taurus energies-material and functional security. Venus square the karmic nodes indicates two different type of crises-a crisis in action and a crisis in consciousness)
There is honesty and vulnerability (karmic nodes) in this heated discussion when he asks her, “what do you want?”
He then repeats it, intensely. “What do you want?”
At this point, Allie is still struggling with her own desires versus what is expected of her by others. (Part of this is Libra energy which is associated with Venus). At the end of this clip, we see her leave Noah heartbroken, but the story continues… Allie expresses her true feelings to the other people in her life and comes back to Noah and her authentic life. She decided what she wanted was to follow her own path. (Venus in Aquarius) She realized that she needed to take action on her new self decision and returned for the life she wanted. (Mars stationing direct in Gemini)
If there were no outside interferences, no outside expectations, what would you choose for your own life? What do you really want?
Here is where you can use the big courage that Jupiter in Aries offers you. It brings you self belief to follow your own path against conditioned expectations use the Aquarius/Uranian energy to break yourself free.
What new direction did the Capricorn new moon initiate in you and what did you release at the Cancer full moon? What has been eliminated from how you relate to yourself and others? (Venus conjunct Pluto at the beginning of the new year)
So the burning question is - what do you want?
Transits for January
1/6/23 Cancer Full Moon-see “Can you feel my heart?” blog post
1/10/23 Venus in Aquarius square Lunar Nodes (South Node Scorpio/North Node Taurus) - energies extending about 2 weeks
1/13/23 Mars stations direct in Gemini - WATCH FOR NEW BLOG POST ON THIS TRANSIT!
1/14/23 Venus in Aquarius square Uranus retrograde in Taurus - energies extending about 2 weeks
1/18/23 Mercury stations direct in Capricorn
1/22/23 Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius/Uranus stations direct in Taurus/ New Moon in Aquarius - WATCH FOR NEW BLOG POST ON THIS TRANSIT!