Sagittarius New Moon 11/23/22
The spotlight is certainly on Sagittarius, not only because the SUN has now begun its annual trip through the fiery mutable sign of the Archer, but Venus and Mercury are also moving through this expansive and explorative energy. The Moon joins the party just before the end of November and sets the tone for the next couple weeks.
Coming out of the depths of Scorpio, Sagittarius now asks us to seek new heights. The deep and even painful truths that came to our awareness during eclipse season were begging to be looked at, accepted, and then released. There is often an uncomfortable void that is present in our center when we let go of something we have been attached to-whether a short or long time. And in that vulnerability, we are being asked to trust again, to create a space for new seeds of greater consciousness to sprout.
The ruler of Sagittarius is known as the great benefic, the giver of more-Jupiter. Jupiter stations direct the day of the lunation in the sign of Pisces in a tight conversation with its ruler, Neptune. There is opportunity for immense healing, if we can embrace nonresistance.
Journal Prompts for this lunar cycle:
Where is my inner knowing calling me to surrender outdated belief patterns?
How do I choose to assert myself-based on the opinions of others or the value of my own truth?
How do I think and speak out about what I believe?
How do I value my sense of inner truth? Is it based on conditioning or inner calling?
How can I expand my mind, my intuition, my inspirations?
Where do I need to discern between the extremes of the hypervigilant feminine and the passive masculine within myself?
Where can I find powerful and transformative healing through forgiveness?
If you find yourself struggling to understand and navigate these energies, reach out for some guidance. I am here to serve. ~Kara
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