Turn your magic on…

…under this pressure, under this weight-we are diamonds taking shape.

~Adventure of a Lifetime by Coldplay

November 27, 2022 we are under this ongoing pressure: Mars retrograde in Gemini opposing Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. This axis is also squaring Jupiter (recently direct) and Neptune (retrograde) in Pisces.

Neptune is slowing down to station direct the first week of December which will bring our disillusionments and frustrations to the surface again.

Where have we been working on healing our magic? Have you felt a recent resurgence of inspiration?

In my Sag new moon journal prompts, I posed a couple questions that I will bring back here and now. These are the essence of this current transit.

  • Where do I need to discern between the extremes of the hypervigilant feminine and the passive masculine within myself?

  • Where can I find powerful and transformative healing through forgiveness?

If you would like help translating how these cycles are impacting your chart, contact me directly at thrivuary@gmail.com or book a reading.


Jupiter in Aries…embrace the freefall


Sagittarius New Moon 11/23/22